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Important Things to Know


When is the best time to travel to Tanzania?

The peak season is July to October.  June and July are best for seeing the migration.  February is best for wildebeest calving. The dry months (December to February) offer good wildlife viewing.


When is the rainy season?

There are two rainy seasons; the short rains are generally from October to December, while the long rains last from March to June.


How hot does it get in Tanzania?

The average temperature is 89*F.  It's hottest late morning, mid day.


What is the time difference?

Dar es Salaam is 7/8 hours ahead of Columbus (Eastern Standard) time. Ex. Depending on daylight savings time, when it’s 11:00 am in Columbus, it’s 7:00 pm in Dar es Salaam.


Will there be WiFi?

For the most part, WiFi and 3G service is good. However, there will be occasional lapses in service when we travel from one location to another. For your convenience, our travel escort will provide mobile WiFi for all group excursions.  Many larger establishments (e.g., hotels and restaurants) also provide free WiFi.  


How long is the flight?

The length of your particular flight will depend on which U.S. city you leave from and the number of lay-overs. It has taken me between 18 - 44 hours from Columbus to Dar es Salaam. The variation was based on whether I left from Columbus, Chicago, New York, or Cincinnati; whether I had 1, 2, or 3 layovers; and whether I stayed 1, 3, 6, or 12 hours per layover.


Will l I get malaria?

Malaria is common on the mainland of Tanzania, and less common on the island of Zanzibar.  Therefore numerous protective measures are taken to prevent contraction. Most beds have mosquito nets to protect you while sleeping. However, if this is a concern for you, fill your malaria prescription before you leave and bring enough for the entire trip; some pills need to be started before you leave home.


Does Ms. Makeda take responsibility for me during the travel event?

No. Ms. Makeda considers international travel to be an Inherently Dangerous Activity. Before traveling with Ms. Makeda, you will be required to sign a waiver stating that you understand there are potential risks inherent in your participation in the travel event and these potential risks include, but are not limited to: travel to and from your home city in the US; local travel within layover or trip countries; consumption of food; weather conditions; language barriers; contagious diseases; terrorism; negligent first aid operations or procedures; and other risks that are unknown at this time. Although Ms. Makeda has made every reasonable effort to assure your safety while participating in the travel event, there are unavoidable risks. You understand that Ms. Makeda is not in any way responsible for your well-being with respect to any travel destinations and /or participation in activities that you may choose to undertake before, during, or after the travel event. By traveling with Ms. Makeda, you knowingly and voluntarily assume all such risks, both known and unknown, even if arising from the negligence of Ms. Makeda and you voluntarily assume full responsibility for your participation in the travel event.


What are some items I would want to bring?

Benadryl, pain relievers, insect repellent, universal/international charging adapter, wipes, motion sickness pills, water-proof phone and/or camera case.

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