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Local Customs


What language(s) do they speak in Tanzania?

Kiswahili is the national language.  However, many people also speak English.


Will I need to learn another language?

Although Kiswahili is the national language, English is widely spoken.  Many people speak English and many signs will be in English. That said, there are still situations where knowing the local language would assist with communication.


How should I dress or act in Tanzania?

The mainland is predominantly Christian while Zanzibar has a large Muslim population.  In order to not offend local customs, dress modestly and no loud or vulgar language.


What is a boda boda, or bajaji (also called tuk-tuks)?

They are like golf carts.  In some areas, you can catch a ride in a taxi, on a bike, on a bus, or in a boda boda.  Because of their size, they are perfect for 3 or fewer passengers, and cheaper than a taxi.  I saw very few in Stonetown and tons in Dar es Salaam.


What is illegal in Tanzania that I would not intuitively know was illegal?

- Homosexuality is illegal. Public displays of affection can lead to arrest.

- The purchase of wildlife products (e.g., horns and seashells) is illegal, for the protection    of the country’s wildlife and fauna.

- Plastic bags have been banned for environmental reasons; they are not allowed in the country.


Can I smoke marijuana?

Marijuana is widely available, and though illegal, it is decriminalized.  Open possession and use could result in a fine. 


​What are the bathrooms like?

You may encounter bathrooms with bidets or a simple water sprayer to clean yourself, and no toilet paper. If you prefer toilet paper, you may want to carry some with you.

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